This week I have introduced a lesson to all my students on a growth mindset. They have watched me prepare for this and asked several questions about the 'brain on the wall.'
We began by watching a video from Kid President titled A Pep Talk for Students and Teachers. Once the video finished, I went into a conversation about our attitudes when working on something "too hard" or "giving up" while working. I talked the students through scenarios of how our minds can be a dark place with some not so happy thoughts.
Change your words, Change your MINDSET
I created a bulletin board to be as a constant reminder to the students on how we can change our mindset when we are working in the classroom. Instead of thinking 'I just can't do this', I taught them that they should try thinking of a situation as 'I'm going to try my best!' I posted up words and phrases on one side of our brain under our fixed mindset and then allowed the students to write on paper the growth mindset phrases and words. I encouraged the students to sign their name to the back of theirs.
Each student has a small pocket hanging on the wall with their name on it. When any teacher in our LS classroom hears or sees a student using a Growth Mindset, they will be rewarded a brain ticket to stick into their pocket. Once that student has three tickets, their incentive is to be rewarded with having lunch in the classroom with me. They are invited to bring one friend along during this time and enjoy the company in the LS classroom. The students are eager and excited to begin this journey through a growth mindset.
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