Alphabet Word Wall

Displaying IMG_1428.JPG
Displaying IMG_6604.JPG I taught a Phonics lesson to my students this morning. I used the Phonics Lesson book given to me by Mrs. G by Fountas and Pinnell. Inside the book are lessons on how to teach phonics to students whole group. I took a lesson I found in there and adapted it a little to fit my students. I created a Alphabet word wall of all the letters and had little colored pictures cut out for students to stick onto the correct letter that correlates with the picture. 

Displaying IMG_6627.JPGThe student said the word, taped it onto the letter that they think the word begins with, and the students showed a signal that they agreed or disagreed with their choice. 
I had each student take a turn by placing a word on the Alphabet word wall. Once everyone finished, we reviewed all of the words on the wall and I had the students say the word, the letter and the sound.

Image result for yo! yes!
Mrs. Gamber read the story Yo! Yes! to the students after lunch. This book can students an idea of punctuation. The students were repeating the words back to Mrs. Gamber. She explained how punctuation works in a sentence and when to use each sign. The students have homework tonight regarding this work, 
