Count on to Subtract

Displaying IMG_6674.JPGDisplaying IMG_6673.JPGRain, Rain, Go AWAY!

I have officially taken over Phonics lessons and Math lessons for student teaching. Woo! It felt really good to instruct the students about Subtraction and counting on today! Today was the first day of Subtraction. We had just finished teaching Addition last week, and the students were given a quiz on Friday.
The students do a partner sharing during lessons where they are to bounce ideas off of one another when coming up with the answer to an equation. They did a fabulous job of sharing and responding. Once I instructed the lesson, I had them work in partners to come up with an answer. I also asked students to come up to the board and demonstrate their thinking. I was super pleased with their responses. Tomorrow we will dive even deeper into the understanding of Subtraction.
My teacher went out of her way and created this student workbook of Math pages that come from our lessons. It helps the students stay on track of which page they should be on as well as lays out the problem exactly how the teacher copy shows the problem. She is super resourceful!!
