Today was a happy Monday.
I began teaching lessons today to my first graders. I began my lesson today by introducing another part of the Daily Five, Work on Writing. During Work On Writing, there are procedures that the students must follow in order to do their best work during the Daily Five rotations. The students and I made a T-Chart for these procedures. Some of the requirements during the Daily Five work on writing were similar to the read to self procedures. I held up the anchor chart that was created on Read to Self and asked the students what were some similar rules to follow that would also apply when working on writing. They did an awesome job brainstorm and talking to their partners about the importance of working on writing.
I had the students raise their right hand and repeat the procedures back to me once I said them. I want to embed the procedures into their heads so when they are working on writing, they know exactly what they should be doing.
Once we finished explaining procedures, I modeled one way of writing which is making lists. (For anyone who knows me, they know I LOVE making lists. lol) I made a list of My Favorite Foods and demonstrated the process of making a list on the board. The students were given a variety of things that can be listed. The students enjoyed hearing about my favorite foods and also expresses some of their favorites or things that they wanted.
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