Hearing Syllables in Our Names

Displaying IMG_6631.JPGAs I was greeting the student's this morning while they were coming into the classroom, one of my kiddos walks up and hands me this drawing he made! He has an interest in Pokemon and I told him I don't know much about the game. He assured me that he would help me learn new ones and draw pictures of them for me to help "put a picture in my mind." Bless!! Thank you buddy!

Today I taught the students how we listen for syllables and find them in words. My Fountas and Pinnell book that Mrs. Gamber is allowing me to use has been SO much help!
I began my activity by asking the students if they had ever heard the word 'syllable' before. One student told me his definition of it.
Displaying IMG_6633.JPGI taught my lesson and incorporated every student's name in the class. I wrote the numbers 1,2,3,and 4 on the board. We went down the line of each student's name and clapped out the name as I instructed them to do early using my last name. The clapping seemed to really work to grasp the concept of syllables. Once we clapped out the number of syllables in a name, I had the students show me with their fingers how many sounds they thought they heard without talking. This went really well!!

They found it hilarious as to how many names we had that were 2 syllable sounds. I created a running graph on the board and added each child's name after we clapped their name out as a group. I was very dramatic when I couldn't find anymore space to write the rest of the student names. They assured me that I could squeeze them ALL in easily.  :)

Next week I am picking up the Math lessons and tomorrow my adviser comes to observe!! YAY!
