There are a total of four small Reading groups. Today, group blue did a lesson on final consonant digraphs. We played several rounds of Bingo! We even played a round of silent Bingo. This was very fun and challenging for the students to look at the picture, and find the ending digraph sounds on their Bingo cards and cover it with a chip. I saw amazing results!
In my other three small Reading groups today, I taught a lesson using the Eggspert game! I had a list of short vowel words and once I read off a word, the students were to click their buzzer and whoever's buzzer lit up first, got to answer first. When I called on them, they would tell me the
vowel sound in the word and also the vowel letter. For example if the word was 'sun', the student would tell me /u/ and then would say the letter 'u'. I modeled how to do it first and then we played the game. They did a really awesome job with this lesson!
I am very pleased with how Math has been going in the classroom. Before our Math lessons, I like to encourage the students to stop and do breathes with me. I think this brings their racing hearts down from recess and puts their brains in a Math mindset. It works very nicely and they enjoy it. :) The students are understanding the concept of counting on to add and counting on to subtract. They use a workbook that was created by my co-op teacher of Math pages that are in order and spaced out for day to day work. It is very convenient and easy for the students to follow. It is also very easy for me to use! :)
SO very blessed for the opportunity to be in this classroom with my co-op! I am learning so many great skills and techniques that I will take along to my own classroom someday!
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