Day one of student teaching, complete!!

Today was my first day of student teaching in first grade!! I made it!

The students had mixed emotions of eagerness and nervousness. As my teacher graded the students, they hung up their book bags and sat at their desks where they were greeted with a 'welcome to first grade' paper. The students were then directed to join at the carpet as my co-op teacher began reading the story First Day Jitters. Once she had to finish the story, her aid passed out cups of "jitter juice quote that the students were able to drink when they begin to feel nervous. The students really enjoyed being able to have something to calm their nerves.

There was a time today where we did a brain break and my co-op teacher put a song on where the students could use movement and music. Since I love to dance, I did not hold back. One little girl commented on how crazy I was dancing. She told me she was going to go home and tell her mother about my dancing! (Lol). 

Most of today was spent going over rules and procedures for the classroom. The students were also able to come up with some rules that they wanted to implement in our daily routines.  They had very good behavior and I am looking forward to the next eight weeks with them! At the end of each day, my co-op teacher shows old cartoons while the students are waiting for bus dismissal. They love them!! 
