Keep Calm and Look Pass the Disability

Resources for Teachers with Children with Cognitive and Intellectual Disabilities

FAQ's on Intellectual Disabilities 

"Developmental Disabilities" is an umbrella term that includes intellectual disability but also includes other disabilities that are apparent during childhood." This website gives basic information about IQ testing, causes, and the role that AAMR plays in Intellectual Disability and can help teachers learn more about Intellectual Disabilities. 

Just about half of Americans don't know people with intellectual disabilities, but they are more likely to be warm-hearted and compassionate towards these individuals. 4 out of 10 Americans don't believe that students with intellectual disabilities should be educated in the same classroom as students without intellectual disabilities.
What does Bullying look like?

Teachers can read up on this website of what bullying looks like in the classroom to other children. Bullying can be an issue with children with disabilities because they may "look" or "act" different than the "normal" student in the classroom. Cyber bullying is also a major issue that is among students in general and teachers should be educated on this subject.

Explaining Autism

This website is full of motivational quotes that can be printed and posted everywhere in your life.Teachers could post these around the room and encourage their students to read and say these out loud. 

Modeling enthusatic head nods, directly working with a child, and giving children feedback is what this article is full of. Teachers could really benefit from this in their daily lives and teaching in the classroom. A simple, low tech device, like wearing a yes or no wrist band, can help make their lives a little easier.

"Today Southern Methodist University shared a study which focused on "low IQ" learners and reading. The study found that verbal students with IQs between 40-80 increased reading skills, usually to a first grade level or higher, with persistent, intensive instruction." Literacy is not considered a "priority" for students with multiple disabilities. This link provides a video where you can watch Sam learn to read! This motivational video can be great for teachers to watch and even share to parents. 

SuperheroBecome the SUPERHERO

This short video clip shows how to be the superhero in the classroom for your students. You are the best person to that student in the classroom. The teacher should be one of the biggest influences in the child's life. Be the HERO! Watch the video clip. 


This website is full of lists about learning and academics, socialization, communication, daily living, and behavior. These strategies are important to implement into the classroom for every and any individual. Apply these strategies in the home, the school, and in the community.

Tips for Teachers 
A list of tips for teachers working with children with intellectual disabilities. "Always remember to; enjoy the student, remember there are other students in your class, and encourage independence in your classroom." Simple tips to read, learn and grow as a teacher. 

Innovations and Perspectives 

Listed are several ways on how to teach reading in the classroom to children with intellectual disabilities. Doing things like creating a word wall in the classroom, guessing the covered word, working with words blocks and guided reading blocks are all things implemented in the general education classroom. This guide is helpful to also use for students with a disability. 
